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Found 1 result

  1. UB Ultimate Willow Chopper! By: ShadowRecon Features: *Banks Willows *Cuts Willows *Breaks *GUI Set Up *Anti-Ban *Easy Script Updating [Thought about making it Automatic but decided against it] Options: *Multi User Support *Take Breaks? *Break When *Break How Long *Hatchet Wielded Or Inventory? *Randomly AFK Anti-Ban: *Random Waits *Checks Stats Randomly *Auto-Responder *Randomly AFK *Auto Responder Setup 1. Place Char In Draynor Village Bank < Only Supports Draynor for now. 2. Extract Script Folder To Your Script's Folder 3. Open Script 4. Play Script, Fill Out GUI 5. Press Start Script Notes: *None as of now. [ATTACH=CONFIG]333[/ATTACH] Change Log: 1.0 Old code has been ditched and been rewritten from scratch. -Faster Tree Finding -Auto Responder -Faster Detection Of Dead Tree -Bug With Breaks Was Fixed -Added A More Detailed Progress Report -AutoUpdating added!! woot! >> Old Code Log << 3.0 Changed a lot of methods for detecting trees/finding trees -Removed Talking/Responding -Now saves/loads player data 1.2 Fixed Auto-Talking Function - More Random And Added Option To Disable - Select AFK at random to auto talk 1.2 Fixed Clicking on tree with guard in it problem. 1.1 Update Stump Detection Added More Anti-Ban -Auto talker -Skill Checker -Changed Bank Method 1.0 Updated Finding Tree Method. [/Code] UB Willow Pro! AutoUpdate.zip
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