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Looking for custom combat script (have account & resources to donate)

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-Please pardon me if I am breaking any rules (asking for private script)


I am looking for someone to make me a custom private combat script.


I can provide:

-High level member account for testing



Script features:

-Run to area

-Kill & loot

-Bank & repeat

-Death walk


Post here or PM me, thank you!

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I would assume it's for RS2 because he's talking about banking/gold/deathwalk.


Anyways that seems like quite a complicated script. You might want to be more exact with what you're planing on 'donating' because this project would require quite a bit of time investment, especially if it's going to be private.

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Let me try this again. What do you want to fight? Where do you want to fight it? Where do you want to bank? What food (if any) should it support? What combat style(s), what armor /weapons. You get the idea.


The more specific the better. Someone might look at the details and go "Hey! I'd like to tackle that. It sounds interesting." But you have to give them more to go on.

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Sorry Bixby, here we go:


I want to kill Green Dragons in the wilderness, banking would be varrock east, trout/lobsters, melee, typical combat armour. I used to bot this area before the "nuke" and now it looks better than ever since there's no bots there anymore.


Here's the route: East Varrock bank -> Green drags -> (Death -> Walk back to east bank (from edge) -> start over) Bank -> Repeat


I've been working on my own script but.. bleh

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