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+++ I need some OSI codes please +++

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You can go to: Documents\SCAR Divi\Includes\OSI\RS2\Core\Bank.scar


To find the bank commands. But you can't just make it click som items out of it's name. From there u need color or coordinates. Or you can make the bank move along all the items and check IsUpText('Item'); But that would be pretty bot-alike

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Actually I haven't even got to start on that since I'm busy messing with Flag after the annoying update today. :(
All these updates are minor setbacks at best. I have to wonder if this is the best they got, or are they "testing the waters" in preparation for something bigger.


Nah, this is the best they got.

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All these updates are minor setbacks at best. I have to wonder if this is the best they got, or are they "testing the waters" in preparation for something bigger.


Nah, this is the best they got.


Most likely. These are stupid updates. The coin pouch is the most annoying thing ever. Anyways... I updated OSI, thread coming soon.

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ok. Soo i have found nothing of how to actaully right-click and open the falador west bank. Or any bank honestly.. i have only found "DepositAll(True);" which could be helpful but i need to know how to open the bank booth in fally west bank please?


HERE IS MY BANK CODE NOW:(doesnt work at all):


procedure OpentheBank;
 w, h: Integer;
 x, y: Integer;

 if FindColor(w, h, 7768475, MSX1, MSY1, MSX2, MSY2) then
   WriteLn('--- FOUND BANK COLOR ---');
   MoveWindMouse(x, y, 3, 3);
   Wait(25 + Random(50));
   ClickWindMouse(x, y, 3, 3, False);
   Wait(80 + Random(100));
   ClickWindMouse(x, y+44, 1, 1, True);
   Wait(1000 + Random(3000));
 DepositAll(True);//If bank interface open, click deposit all



NOTE: I have the "Wait(999999999);" just for test purposes so i may stop the bot with ease.

Edited by BryceTheCoder
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I wrote one to open to Falador west bank but haven't tested it lately. Worked by finding the red carpet behind the bankers and offsetting the mouse. I'll dig it out and if it works you can use it. Just got to rework it a bit to not use a bunch of my own custom helper functions.


Edit: Have a look at this and see if it helps you. Note this is proof of concept I wrote that hasn't been tested "in the wild" in a long running script, but has passed all testing I threw at it.


function bsOpenFaladorWestBank(BankPin: String): Boolean;
Contributors: Bixby Sayz.
Description: Opens falador west bank by locating the red carpet behind the bank
            booths and using that to find and click on the nearest bank booth.
Date Created: 2011-12-07. By Bixby Sayz. RS2 Build 698.
Last Modified: 2011-12-07. By Bixby Sayz. RS2 Build 698.
function bsOpenFaladorWestBank(BankPin: String): Boolean;
 TPA: TPointArray;     // Points making up red carpet.
 ATPA: T2DPointArray;  // Points grouped by proximity.
 P: TPoint;            // Location of bank booth.
 T: Integer;           // Time counter.
 I: Integer;           // Loop counter.
 // Is bank screen already open?
 Result := BankScreen;
 if Result then
 // Check logged in.
 if not LoggedIn then

 // Adjust compass to north & camera to highest angle.

 // Find the red carpet behind the bank booth. Group found points by
 // proximity to each other.
 if not FindColorsTolerance(TPA, 4475289, MSX1, MSY1, MSX2, MSY2, 10) then
 ATPA := SplitTPA(TPA, 20);

 for I := 0 to High(ATPA) do

   // Get point in this group closest to center of screen (player location).
   SortTPAEx(ATPA[i], Point(MSCX, MSCY));
   P := ATPA[i][0];

   // Offset to find bank booth location and randomize a bit.
   IncEx(P.X, RR((-10), 10));
   DecEx(P.Y, RR(15, 35));

   // Move mouse to point and check uptext.
   MMouse(P.X, P.Y, 0, 0);
   WaitRR(250, 500);
   if IsUpText('booth') then
 end;  // for

 // Right click and wait for options menu.
 ClickMouse(P.X, P.Y, False);
 T := GetSystemTime + RandomRange(2500, 5000);
   WaitRR(75, 100);
   if (GetSystemTime > T) then
 until OptionBoxExists;

 // Delay to appear more humanlike.
 WaitRR(500, 1000);

 // Select "Use-quickly" and wait for bank (or pin) screen to appear.
 T := GetSystemTime + RandomRange(2500, 5000);
   WaitRR(75, 100);
   if (GetSystemTime > T) then
   Result := BankScreen;
   if Result then
 until PinScreen;

 // Delay to appear more humanlike.
 WaitRR(500, 1000);

 // Enter pin.
 if PinScreen then
   if not EnterBankPin(BankPin) then

 // Wait for bank screen to appear.
 T := GetSystemTime + RandomRange(2500, 5000);
   WaitRR(75, 100);
   if (GetSystemTime > T) then
   Result := BankScreen;
 until Result;
end;  // function

Edited by Bixby Sayz
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ok thank you very much! But i have alittle missunderstanding of the usage. I try and use it under my "OpentheBank" procedure and i have this in the procedure: "bsOpenFaladorWestBank(1234);" so my bankpin is '1234' and

when i run that i get an error of:

Type mismatch -> Line 193


AND IN MY LINE 193 i have:




SOOOOOOO can u help or tell me how to use it correctly?

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awww thanks guys :) ill test and see if i got problems right now..



EDIT: Sweeettt! Thank you sooo much! :D now is it possible to have another function like "withrawBars"? and it check if the bank is open withraw "All" steel bars becuase that would be very nice if i had that:)

Edited by BryceTheCoder
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Lol, it's coming. Patience.


Freddy, do we still have only 1 entrant for scripting competition? Basically everything I want to share is part of the script I am working on, and technically shouldn't be released during competition period.


So far we have 3 contestants.

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