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Amber AIOFighter V1.0


Introducing Amberleafs all in one multi-combat Runescape script.

Fights anything using a user custom set-up.

Very random.

Very accurate.

Eats food.

Buries bones (when it's in a good mood).




1. Start the script, wait for SMART to pop up, stop the script when runescape has loaded.

2. Click the disable SMART button & enter your login details.

3. Use the Pick color tool in Scar (Ctrl + P) to select 3 colours from the enemy that you want to attack, take your time to choose good unique (as possible) colours, or use the pre-sets at the bottom.

4. Enter these 3 colours on line 12, 13 & 14 it should read



c1 = 6704416;

c2 = 6441503;

c3 = 7032865;


your custom colours will fill the 3 consts.


5. Enter HP to eat at on line 16 & what food you're going to be using on line 18, leave slot 1 free if you're using bone bury.

6. Click the enable SMART button when in position.

7. Start the script.




Turn off XP pop ups, do this by right clicking the XP button (top right of the screen) and clicking 'Toggle XP pop up'.

Take your time to find the colours of your target.

Can also use range/mage just set it up before hand & adjust equipment.




Version 1.0 updates. 25/03/12

Added the ability to eat.

Added the bone bury procedure, enable it by taking away the comment marks on line 147 & 148.

Default setup is for the alkarid warriors.

Cleaned it up a tad.





c1 = 4165514;//GBL1

c2 = 4033156;//GBL2

c3 = 3835001;//GBL3


Al-Kahrid warriors.


c1 = 5194275;//AKW1

c2 = 8943180;//AKW2

c3 = 3353366;//AKW3


Red Spiders (3rd floor first room in the stronghold of security).


c1 = 2897231;//RSPIDSH1

c2 = 1253182;//RSPIDSH2

c3 = 2568005;//RSPIDSH3


Zombies (2nd floor first room in the stronghold of security).


c1 = 7436150;//ZMBE1

c2 = 8554631;//ZMBE2

c3 = 8093824;//ZMBE3


Skeletons (Varock east dungeon).


c1 = 9081232;//SKL1

c2 = 1320256;//SKL2

c3 = 7106929;//SKL3


Red Spiders (Varock east dungeon).


c1 = 5860297;//RSPID1

c2 = 4925570;//RSPID2

c3 = 4334451;//RSPID3

Edited by Amberleaf
Updated to version 1.0
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i honestly dont understand the mouse changing speeds... on my line 199 i have:


//CHANGE SPEED HERE// 1/3 // q = quick / m = medium / s = slow


and on my line 201 i have:





ummmmmmm wut do i add there? or how do i change it?




oh wooooww nevermind im sorry, i understand now..


you change the letter "m" inside:

Wait(m + Random(1500));


BTW, nice script ;) workin perfectly

Edited by Freddy
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When I goto start the script it says Type- Preprocessor Error, Line- 9, Message- Include not found: OSI\OSI Scar..

Any help? I'm newb at this..


---------- Post added at 02:52 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:50 AM ----------


Freddy plz help!!

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When I goto start the script it says Type- Preprocessor Error, Line- 9, Message- Include not found: OSI\OSI Scar..

Any help? I'm newb at this..


---------- Post added at 02:52 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:50 AM ----------


Freddy plz help!!


Get SCAR 3.30 Beta: http://forums.scar-divi.com/showthread.php?470-SCAR-Divi-3-30-Beta

Then install OSI: File=>Includes Manager

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Umm im new here, probable the most stupid active user, i cant even start up, i dont have OSI i looked by myself and there wasnt, so how could i fix it?

i have to download from somewhere? and i have several more errors while trying to start up.




well, how could i fix this problem...

wrong section btw....

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I've updated this script to version 0.8 with combat detection implemented, let me know what you think & help me find the best colours for each enemy if you have time. The next version will have a HP detector and a option to eat. Enjoy.

Edited by Amberleaf
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