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OSI Updates 10/28/2014 - Lots of stuff and oldies restored

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New Stats Tab functions and restores

New Chat functions and restores

New Map running functions and restores

New Equipment functions and restores

New Equip,Bank,Chat, and area Globals.scar indexes and restores

PressLogin to use enterkey and other login updates and restores

GetItemAmount update and restore

MouseCurrentSpot -> MouseCurrentPos

TBAFromGrid adjusted. Removed unneeded 'rows' and replaced with (number of) Boxes

TSAContainsMulti Restored

FindColorsExP/FindColorsTolP restored

ConstrainBox update restored

DistanceP restored

Object.scar restored

Extended/Object restored

CopyTEA Remove restored

November/Octo"v"er -> October Correction



As you can see there are a lot of new functions and restores.


Apparently when I transferred the OSI repo back in November 2013 I either accidentally removed a lot of stuff or butchered it out on purpose. I had to dig through the old SVN log (since the github one has a gap in history for some reason) and find these. I went through and re added most of everything and updated it plus added some new stuff.


I haven't gotten around to restoring/updating Bank/Combat/Options but that will be next!


For now:




New stuff, updates, and restores!




 * function GetChatTabBounds(ChatTab: Integer): TBox;
    By: Wanted
* function GetCurrentChat: Integer;
    By: Wanted
* function GetChatStatus(Chat: Integer): Integer;
    By: Wanted
* function SetChatStatuses(Chats, States: TIntArray): TBoolArray;
    By: Wanted
* function SetupAutoChat(S: string): Boolean;
    By: Wanted
* function ToggleAutoChat(Resume: Boolean): Boolean;
    By: Wanted
* function SetupPublicChatFilter(S: string): Boolean;
    By: Wanted
* function ClickContinueEx(Click, UntilGone: Boolean): Boolean;
    By: Wanted
* function ClickContinue: Boolean;
    By: Wanted
* function FixChat: Boolean;
    By: Wanted
* function GetChatLineBounds(Line: Integer): TBox;
    By: Wanted
* function GetChatTextEx(Line, TextColor: Integer): string;
    By: Wanted
* function LeveledUpEx(Click, UntilGone: Boolean): Boolean;
    By: Wanted
* function LeveledUp: Boolean;
    By: Wanted




111mqs6.png // Stat bounds


 * function GetSkillBounds(Skill: Integer): TBox;
    By: Wanted
* function GetSkillLevelEx(Skill: Integer; BottomNumber, CheckST: Boolean): Integer;
    By: Wanted
* function GetSkillLevel(Skill: Integer; CheckST: Boolean): Integer;
    By: Wanted
* function HoverSkill(Skill: Integer; CheckST: Boolean): Boolean;
    By: Wanted
* function GetSkillInfo(Skill: Integer; CurrentCheck, NextCheck, RemainderCheck, CheckST: Boolean): TIntegerArray;
    By: Wanted
* function GetXP(Skill: Integer; CheckST: Boolean): Integer;
    By: Wanted
* function GetAllLevels(CheckST: Boolean): Boolean;
    By: Wanted




Running routines!


+function IsRunning: Boolean;
+Contributors: Wanted
+Description: Returns true if running.
+Date Created: September 5th, 2011. By Wanted. RS2 Build 663.
+Last Modified: October 27th, 2014. By Wanted. RS07 Build ???.
+function IsRunning: Boolean;
+  Result := SimilarColors(6806252, GetColor(581, 141), 10);
+function ToggleRunEx(Run: Boolean; MinEnergy: Integer): Boolean;
+Contributors: Wanted
+Description: Sets run to desired state. True if state was changed.
+Date Created: October 27th, 2014. By Wanted. RS07 Build ???.
+Last Modified: October 27th, 2014. By Wanted. RS07 Build ???.
+function ToggleRunEx(Run: Boolean; MinEnergy: Integer): Boolean;
+  Result := False;
+  if (GetMMLevel(Skill_Run) < MinEnergy) then
+    Exit;
+  Result := ((IsRunning) xor (Run));
+  if (Result) then
+    if (Random(2) = 1) then
+      MouseCircle(9, 581, 139, ClickLeft)
+    else
+      MouseBox(547, 135, 573, 148, ClickLeft);
+  WaitFunc(@IsRunning, False, 50, 150, 1500, 2500);
+function ToggleRun(Run: Boolean): Boolean;
+Contributors: Wanted
+Description: Sets run to desired state. True if state was changed.
+Date Created: October 27th, 2014. By Wanted. RS07 Build ???.
+Last Modified: October 27th, 2014. By Wanted. RS07 Build ???.
+function ToggleRun(Run: Boolean): Boolean;
+  Result := ToggleRunEx(Run, 1);


Equip Tab.scar


244s0v7.png // Equip Slots


 * function GetEquipmentBounds(Slot: Integer): TBox;
    By: Wanted
* function IsSlotEquipped(Slot: Integer; CheckET: Boolean): Boolean;
    By: Home & Wanted.
* function MouseEquipedItem(Slot: Integer; TypeC: ClickActions; CheckET: Boolean): Boolean;
    By: Wanted & Home.




Bunch of new indexes/changes


      By: Wanted
 * const Game Tab Indexes
     By: Wanted & Dynamite.
+ * const Equip Tab Indexes
+     By: Wanted
+ * const Chat Tab Indexes
+     By: Wanted
 * const RS07 direction/angle Indexes
     By: Wanted
+ * const Withdraw function indexes
+     By: Wanted  
+*  const Area_ indexes
+     By: Wanted
 * const Useful in game colors
     By: Wanted
 * type TRS07Player = record
@@ -493,7 +501,7 @@ Last Modified: October 7th, 2014. By Wanted. RS07 Build ???.

-  Skill_Count         = 23;
+  Skill_Count         = 25;
  Skill_Attack        = 0;
  Skill_Hitpoints     = 1;
  Skill_Mining        = 2;
@@ -518,6 +526,8 @@ const
  Skill_Farming       = 20;
  Skill_Construction  = 21;
  Skill_Hunter        = 22;
+  Skill_Total         = 23;
+  Skill_Combat        = 24; 

const Game Tab Indexes
@@ -566,6 +576,31 @@ Last Modified: March 6th, 2013. By Wanted. RS07 Build ???.
  Tab_Equip_Ring        = 10;

+const Chat function indexes
+Contributors: Wanted
+Description: Index handles for various chat routines.
+Date Created: October 28th, 2011. By Wanted. RS2 Build 671.
+Last Modified: October 28th, 2014. By Wanted. RS07 Build ???.
+  Chat_State_Count      = 6;
+  Chat_On               = 0;
+  Chat_Friends          = 1;
+  Chat_Filter           = 1;
+  Chat_Off              = 2;
+  Chat_Hide             = 3;
+  Chat_Autochat         = 4;
+  Chat_SwitchTab        = 5;
+  Tab_Chat_Count        = 6;
+  Tab_Chat_All          = 0;
+  Tab_Chat_Game         = 1;
+  Tab_Chat_Public       = 2;
+  Tab_Chat_Private      = 3;
+  Tab_Chat_Clan         = 4;
+  Tab_Chat_Trade        = 5;  
const RS07 direction/angle Indexes
Contributors: Wanted
Description: Index handles for SetCompassAngle and all runescape directions.
@@ -584,6 +619,36 @@ const
  Dir_NorthWest         = 315;

+const Withdraw function indexes
+Contributors: Wanted
+Description: Index handles for withdrawing routines.
+Date Created: December 11th, 2011. By Wanted. RS2 Build 688.
+Last Modified: March 20th, 2013. By Wanted. RS07 Build ???.
+  Withdraw_1 = 1;
+  Withdraw_5 = 5;
+  Withdraw_10 = 10;
+  Withdraw_All = -1337;
+const Area_ indexes
+Contributors: Wanted
+Description: Index handles for the different screen ares within RS that contain items.
+Date Created: November 6th, 2011. By Wanted. RS2 Build 675.
+Last Modified: February 8th, 2012. By Wanted. RS2 Build 700.
+  Area_Inv              = 0;
+  Area_Bank             = 1;
+  Area_Deposit          = 2;
+  Area_Trade_You        = 3;
+  Area_Trade_Them       = 4;
+  Area_Shop             = 5;  




MouseCurrentSpot changed to MouseCurrentPos for better stan




Restored 2 functions


and changed CountColor(Tol)P both to CountColor(Tol)B


function FindColorsExP(var TPA: TPointArray; Colors: TIntArray; B: TBox): Boolean;
Contributors:  Wanted
Description: Wrapper for FindColorsEx with points and boxes.
Date Created: March 19th, 2013. By Wanted
Last Modified: March 19th, 2013. By Wanted

function FindColorsTolP(var P: TPoint; Colors: TIntArray; B: TBox; Tol: LongInt): Boolean;
Contributors:  Wanted
Description: Wrapper for FindColorsTol with points and boxes.
Date Created: March 22nd, 2013. By Wanted
Last Modified: March 22nd, 2013. By Wanted




ConstrainBox improvment.

Removed useless 'rows' input from BoxFromGrid

Replaced useless rows input in TBAFromGrid to number of Boxes




DistanceP restored


function DistanceP(P1, P2: TPoint): Extended;
Contributors: Wanted, Janilabo.
Description: Wrapper for Distance with points.
Date Created: October 28th, 2011. By Wanted
Last Modified: February 26th, 2013. By Wanted




Removed CopyTEA as it's now in SCAR




Restored 1 function


function TSAContainsMulti(SubStrs: TStringArray; TSA: TStringArray): TBooleanArray;
Contributors: Wanted
Description: Results true if any strings are inside each string of TSA.
Date Created: March 20th, 2013. By Wanted
Last Modified: March 20th, 2013. By Wanted




-function PressLogin(CheckLS: Boolean): Boolean;
+function PressLogin(UseEnterKey, CheckLS: Boolean): Boolean;
Contributors: Wanted
Description: Returns true if made it to MessageScreen.
Date Created: March 10th, 2013. By Wanted. RS07 Build ???.
-Last Modified: November 26th, 2014. By Wanted. RS07 Build ???.
+Last Modified: October 27th, 2014. By Wanted. RS07 Build ???.

-function PressLogin(CheckLS: Boolean): Boolean;
+function PressLogin(UseEnterKey, CheckLS: Boolean): Boolean;
  T, TT, C: LongInt;   
@@ -230,7 +230,10 @@ begin
      if (not (PressExistingUser(True))) then
  C := CountColor(clYellow, 247, 214, 519, 231);
-  MouseBox(234, 304, 370, 340, ClickLeft);
+  if (UseEnterKey) then
+    TypeSend('')
+  else
+    MouseBox(234, 304, 370, 340, ClickLeft);
  SetTimer(T, 2000, 3000);
    if (CountColor(clYellow, 247, 214, 519, 231) <> C) then
@@ -239,8 +242,8 @@ begin
  until (CheckTimer(T));
  SetTimer(T, 50000, 70000);
-    SetTimer(TT, 35000, 40000); 
-    if (not (TIAContains([0, 799, 407, 301], CountColor(clYellow, 247, 214, 519, 231)))) then
+    SetTimer(TT, 35000, 40000);
+    if (not (TIAContains([0, 799, 407, 301, 302, 199], CountColor(clYellow, 247, 214, 519, 231)))) then
      if (not (MessageScreen)) then
        if (not (FindLoginMessageText('Your profile will be transferred'))) then




Restored GetItemAmount will be adding more areas soon




Restored some Object routines







More updates to come soon. Specifically Combat tab, Option Tab, and Banking


Still looking into porting the newest SMART




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