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Blacklisting pixels

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hey there,

I've been messing around with scar for quite long and i became pretty efficient with it.

However i could not find something like blacklisting pixels.


Find a color in a place, click it and then blacklist(or ignore) the pixel for some seconds

Is something like this possible?

Thanks in advance

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blacklist,FoundPoints : TPointArray;
x1,y1,x2,y2,tol,color: integer;
x1 :=0;
y1 :=100;
x2 :=101;
y2 :=101;  
color := clwhite;
tol := 0;

FindColorTolEx(FoundPoints,color,x1,y1,x2,y2,tol); // finding all points of some color...

writeln('first white at: '+PointToStr(FoundPoints[0]));

if (high(FoundPoints)> -1)then TPAAppend(blacklist, FoundPoints[0]);  // adding first found point to blacklist

TPAFilterPoints(FoundPoints,BlackList); // filtering (ignore what is in blacklist)

writeln('first white at: '+PointToStr(FoundPoints[0]));

blacklist := []; //this resets blacklist;

also you can use : procedure TPAFilterBoxes(var TPA: TPointArray; const Boxes: TBoxArray);


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TpaExtract is also for scar 3.28 or greater.

Same problem for TpaAppend too.

Never mind, i may make changes in order to get it to work in latest scar.


However, i have 2 random questions.

1)How is the command GetClientDimensions from scar 3,22 in scar 3,40

2)Is it possible any search for characters(e.g. letters) in scar?

Thanks in advance

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TpaExtract is also for scar 3.28 or greater.

Same problem for TpaAppend too.

Never mind, i may make changes in order to get it to work in latest scar.


However, i have 2 random questions.

1)How is the command GetClientDimensions from scar 3,22 in scar 3,40

2)Is it possible any search for characters(e.g. letters) in scar?

Thanks in advance


var mybox:Tbox;



and for search characters use mask:



hope will help

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this is from old manual:

function FindBitmapMaskTolerance(bmp: TscarBitmap; var x, y: Longint; x1, y1, x2, y2: Longint; Tolerance, ContourTolerance: Integer): Boolean;

Essentially it works like FindBitmapIn except it identifies using the masks/shape of an object in the bitmap. Masks are specified by the colors black and white. ContourTolerance is the minimal tolerance for color difference between shape of a mask and the background in a bitmap, It makes sure the shape differs from the background.

a.png<-- sample mask for finding letter A in any color on any background.

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Hmmm yes but i need to search for a whole word in which letters are moving and are not stick to each other, so there's no shape of the mask because i have many letters(Is it like that). Also the background color in not one but many so ???? now what.

But its ok, i can use this command in an other part of the script :D:D


I have a final question. Im using FindColorsSpiralTolerance command. My question is, how can i click the 2nd or 3rd.... or 50th found point? Can you guide me, im lost, i read the manual but i cant seem to find anything about stored coordinates of the other instances found. Im not pretty efficient with tpoint arrays and how they work. Please Help!

Thanks A LOt!!!

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hello! for mask you put whole word, and background color is not important, anyway i shoud see, then i can tell


for spiral multifindings you can use

var Found : Tpointarray;

if FindColorSpiralTolEx(100,100,Found,clwhite,50,50,100,100,10) then 
 writeln('found '+inttostr(max+1)+' points!')
 writeln(PointToStr(found[0])); // first
 writeln(PointToStr(found[1])); // second
 writeln(PointToStr(found[49])); // 50th
 writeln(TPAToStr(found)); // all foundings



but, if you call higher found then exist you will get "out of range" error

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Thanks for the mask explanation. I figured it out.

However i dont seem to understand the multifinding items thing. I mean, how can i click the first, then the second, and so on? Also the color im searching appears in different number of instances each time(maybe none, 1 or even 15), so as i understood, i will get an "out of range" error

And remember the script is made for scar 3.22 and PointToStr and TpaToStr are not recognized(however, i want just click, not writeln)


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Thanks for the mask explanation. I figured it out.

However i dont seem to understand the multifinding items thing. I mean, how can i click the first, then the second, and so on? Also the color im searching appears in different number of instances each time(maybe none, 1 or even 15), so as i understood, i will get an "out of range" error

And remember the script is made for scar 3.22 and PointToStr and TpaToStr are not recognized(however, i want just click, not writeln)


You simply use the X and Y variables of the TPoint record, like so:


 found: TPointArray;
 h, i: Integer;

 if FindColorSpiralTolEx(100, 100, found, clWhite, 50, 50, 100, 100, 10) then
   h := High(found);
   WriteLn('Found ' + IntToStr(h + 1) + ' points!')
   for i := 0 to h do
     MoveMouse(found[i].X, found[i].Y); // Replace with your clicking method, whatever it is.
   MoveMouse(found[0].X, found[0].Y); // Index example, without loop.

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Thanks a lot!!!

I understood everything but i still have a remaining problem.

Have a look at this

var x, y : integer;
found : TpointArray;

If FindColor(x, y, 50567, 500, 450, 700, 575) then /////Find Player////
If FindColorsSpiralTolerance(x, y, found, 0, 500, 450, 700, 575, 5) then ////Find bot according to player's position(find the closest one)///
writeln('Bot Found');
end else
Writeln('Bot Not Found');

Even though player is successfully found and Bot's color is visible, i always get, bot not found.

What is the problem? When i use FindColorsTolerance, bot's color is successfully found.

Please help, when i fix this, script is ready for use

Edited by troller
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