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How can i handle spezialchars

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sorry for my english :)


i want save/read strings like this: вℓα¢к∂єαтн™

in a txt-file or in a sqlite-db.


when i save the txt-file as unicode or UTF and i read it, returns it like this: вℓα¢к∂єαтн™-


(win xp)


how can i reach that i can save and read the special character correctly?


thx for help.


good bye :)



program New;

var datei: Integer;
var s: string;
var a: TStrArray;


 datei := OpenFile('E:\Datenbanken\rotliste3.txt', False);
 ReadFileString(datei, s, FileSize(datei));
 writeln(a[5] + ' --- ' + IntToStr(High(a)));


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thx for answer :)


but i need die strings not in the current script.

the script should write in a kind of database.

a other script on other client in network need the data.


any idea?


bye :)


other question: how can i send a enter in a txt-file with appendfile?


i try this but dont work:


f := Appendfile(LogsPath + 'Test.txt', False);
WriteFileString(f, 'Hello Mars?' + #13);


or this


f := Appendfile(LogsPath + 'Test.txt', False);
WriteFileString(f, 'Hello Mars?' + chr(13));


both dont work :(


any idea whats wrong?

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