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excecute external file and passing parameters

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Is there a way to do that in scar, would be perfect if I could run an exe, pass some parameters and recieve the output to scar, if that is not possible then opening a batch script will do too.


Ok finally got it after a few hours of googling, it's hard when you're a noob :(. If anyone else is interested then here it is:


program New;
function ShellExecute(hwnd:integer; lpOperation:string; lpFile:string; lpParameters:string; lpDirectory:string; nShowCmd:integer):Longint;external'ShellExecuteA@C:\WINDOWS\system32\shell32.dll stdcall';
ShellExecute(hwnd,'open','C:\WINDOWS\notepad.exe','','',5) ;

api calls must be enabled

Edited by rronnyv
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Another way would be to create yourself a plugin (that contains ShellExecute built-in), then put it in same path/folder with your script and simply load that plugin from there, so that you can use em with SCAR.. :)


Yeah, it would be really great to have ShellExecute() built-in to SCAR by default, but I doubt that will ever happen, simply because its a huge security risk, sadly. :\

There's always those sad idiots looking to do just anything to steal some stupid pixels from other people.

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