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NotSMART - RS 2007 OldSchool basic Client

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Awww.. hopefully I am a trusted member by now:'(

I would NEVER do that to my great community:'(

I'll post a virus scan if you want..:'(




Virus Scan


Virus is not the same thing as a key logger which sends the keys entered in that client to an external source.


I'm not accusing you, but honestly things like this make me hesitant if you don't include a source.


People like Freddy & I have been on the scene for nearly 10 years with more than enough opportunity to abuse our positions for personal gains by some use of integral flaw, and haven't. That's what makes us trust worthy. Although I've seen developers who threw everything away for a few pixels. Theoretically anyone could do it. You've been around a relatively short amount of time. Unfortunately wolfs like to appear in sheep's clothing.


You should just include the source. The odds of someone ripping your code on such a small and simple client is literally nothing.

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Virus is not the same thing as a key logger which sends the keys entered in that client to an external source.


I'm not accusing you, but honestly things like this make me hesitant if you don't include a source.


People like Freddy & I have been on the scene for nearly 10 years with more than enough opportunity to abuse our positions for personal gains by some use of integral flaw, and haven't. That's what makes us trust worthy. Although I've seen developers who threw everything away for a few pixels. Theoretically anyone could do it. You've been around a relatively short amount of time. Unfortunately wolfs like to appear in sheep's clothing.


You should just include the source. The odds of someone ripping your code on such a small and simple client is literally nothing.


Btw, I like the metaphor; But I hope that one day everyone knows I'm trustworthy and would never do that.


Public Class Form1

   Private Function RR(ByVal Min As Integer, ByVal Max As Integer) As Integer
       Dim junk As New Random
       RR = junk.Next(Min, Max)
   End Function

   Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

   End Sub

   Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
       Dim world As String = RR(1, 78)
       Button1.Visible = False
       WebBrowser1.Visible = True
       WebBrowser1.Navigate("http://oldschool" + world + ".runescape.com/j1")
       MsgBox("Loading world: " + world + ".")
   End Sub
End Class

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SMART can load rs07.


Yes it can http://forums.scar-divi.com/showthread.php?2171-Will-SMART-become-to-2007-rs


However people tell me that we can't use the current version of SMART due to bugs it has when using with SCAR and instead need to use an older version (6.9 I believe)


I believe this 'NotSMART' client's only purpose is to save you time by automatically pulling up the URL and world you want, and has no minimizing capabilities.

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I believe this 'NotSMART' client's only purpose is to save you time by automatically pulling up the URL and world you want, and has no minimizing capabilities.


^ 100% correct.





How can I make the SMART client start up with loading 07 in my scripts?

is it something around:


because I believe


loads the normal rs not 07.

Edited by BryceTheCoder
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