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OSI 2 UpText, Options, and Drop functions

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Finished all the OCR functions really, I'm conisdering putting the stuff that was in Amount.scar in OCR instead of splitting it up between all of it's files.


Also I'm still debating on whether or not I want to pursue using FindText instead of GetText at all and other color options.


For now



Official SCAR Include

Runescape 07

OCR Routines


* function GetUpText: String;

By: Freddy

* function UpTextContainsMulti(Text: TStringArray): Boolean;

By: Freddy & Wanted.

* function UpTextContains(Text: string): Boolean;

By: Freddy & Wanted.

* function FindOptionsBox(var OptionsBox: TBox): Boolean;

By: Wanted

* function OptionBoxExists: Boolean;

By: Wanted

* function GetAllOptionsBox: TBox;

By: Wanted

* function GetNumberOptions(AllOptionsBox: TBox): Integer;

By: Wanted

* function GetOptionBox(Index: Integer; AllOptionsBox: TBox): TBox;

By: Wanted

* function GetOptionBoxMulti(Indexes: TIntegerArray; AllOptionsBox: TBox): TBoxArray;

By: Wanted

* function GetAllOptionBoxes(AllOptionsBox: TBox): TBoxArray;

By: Wanted

* function GetOption(Index: Integer; AllOptionsBox: TBox): string;

By: Wanted

* function GetAllOptions(AllOptionsBox: TBox): TStrArray;

By: Wanted

* function OptionsContainsMulti(Options: TStrArray; AllOptionsBox: TBox): TBoolArray;

By: Wanted

* function OptionsContains(Option: string; AllOptionsBox: TBox): Boolean;

By: Wanted

* function ChooseOptionMultiEx(Options: TStrArray; TypeC: ClickActions): Boolean;

By: Wanted

* function ChooseOptionMulti(Options: TStrArray): Boolean;

By: Wanted

* function ChooseOption(Option: string): Boolean;

By: Wanted




{$DEFINE OSI_RS07_Color_Anti_Randoms}


{$I OSI\OSI.scar}

{$I OSI\Divi\Misc\Debug.scar}


procedure ScriptTerminate;






// TBA: TBoxArray;

// T: LongInt;

// B: TBox;





//T := GetSystemTime;

//WriteLn(GetUpText); //Use Bucket / 2 more options (31 ms)

//WriteLn(UpTextContainsMulti(['se B', 'ucket', '2 more'])); //True (32 ms)

//WriteLn(UpTextContains('ucket')); //True (32 ms)

//WriteLn(FindOptionsBox(B)); // True (31 ms)

//B := GetOptionBox(2, GetAllOptionsBox); // (16 ms)

//TBA := GetOptionBoxMulti([0, 1], GetAllOptionsBox); // (0 ms)

//TBA := GetAllOptionBoxes(GetAllOptionsbox);

//WriteLn(GetOption(0, GetAllOptionsbox)); // Talk-to Freaky Forester (63 ms)



// [0] Talk-to Freaky Forester, [1] Walk here, [2] Examine Freaky Forester, [3] Cancel,

// (171 ms)

//ChooseOptionMulti(['Examine', 'Cancel']);

//ChooseOptionMulti(['stir', 'fry']);

//DropItem(26, True);

DropItems([0, 1, 2, 3], True);

//WriteLn('(' + IntToStr(GetSystemTime - T) + ' ms)');









Finished all of Inventory pretty much. Just added the drop functions now that I have ChooseOption out of the way. Also Added GetInvSlotsBounds which is basically GetInvSlotBound(Multi)


[sCAR] * function GetInvSlotsBounds(Slots: TIntegerArray): TBoxArray;

By: Wanted[/sCAR]


[sCAR] * function GetDropPattern(Which: Integer): TIntegerArray;

By: Wanted

* function DropItem(Slot: Integer; CheckIT: Boolean): Boolean;

By: Wanted

* function DropItemsPEx(Slots, Pattern: TIntegerArray; Exclude, CheckIT: Boolean): Integer;

By: Wanted

* function DropItemsEx(Slots: TIntegerArray; Exclude, CheckIT: Boolean): Integer;

By: Wanted

* function DropItems(Slots: TIntegerArray; CheckIT: Boolean): Integer;

By: Wanted

* function DropAllExclude(Exclude: TIntegerArray; CheckIT: Boolean): Integer;

By: Wanted

* function DropAll(CheckIT: Boolean): Integer;

By: Wanted[/sCAR]


Explanation of my drop functions here http://forums.scar-divi.com/showthread.php?527-OSI-Banking-additions-and-other-stuff-12-12-2011&p=2666&highlight=drop#post2666



That's all for now. I haven't had much time since the last release to work on OSI but I still got an incredible amount done because most of the code already existed in OSI 1 I just had to tweak it.


More good stuff coming soon!



Edited by Wanted
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