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Is there any kind of silent mouse fuction that will run the script and click stuff in the backround on a client while its minimized and while you are say on facebook or something? If so this is the script i need changed.


[scar] program New;

var x,y :Integer;




If FindColor(x,y,2016511,225,112,1182,659) then


WriteLn('Found Money');





WriteLn('Got Money');


until(false) ;



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No, only if you're using SMART for RS2. When a window is minimized, it isn't redrawn. So essentially, even if it were possible to send silent input events to the window with SCAR, it would still have to be at least on the desktop. I'm not entirely sure if it's possible to force a window that isn't visible because it's covered by other windows to redraw, but I think it is...

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SMART's functionality is a special case. Any applet loaded into it you can silent mouse to. But it is made specifically for runescape. However if you edited the source code, you could make it load any java applet*


But that's it. Just java applets like Runescape...


Well again, if you where to mess with SMART's source. You would need to have your "game" or whatever your trying to make your bot for, an actual .jar executable. which unfortunately is ONLY java. So if it isnt a java game then you may not do this.

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Well again, if you where to mess with SMART's source. You would need to have your "game" or whatever your trying to make your bot for, an actual .jar executable. which unfortunately is ONLY java. So if it isnt a java game then you may not do this.


I made a similar point, but I forgot to mention the .jar part. A java applet is basically a .jar or other java file? embedded into a web page. I would imagine SMART source could also be modified to load a jar off of your computer as well though.

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Do you think there is going to be any type of that any time soon?


Once Freddy makes new silent mouse, and keyboard functions. Until then no.


Edit: Darn Freddy beat me to it xD...


Yeah its going to use message sending to the window somehow, and it might not work for games. But for web browsers it SHOULD work most definitely i would think...

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