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Remember you can make things smaller by making more procedures/functions as well. You will waste tons of lines of code though sometimes.


Like here is one that will use findcolor on an area, and click the mouse there:


You could also do one with loops in it. And make a parameter to specify how long to check for the color...etc.



function FindColorClick(Color: Integer; Click: TMouseButton; x1, y1, x2, y2: Integer): Boolean;


x, y: Integer;


Result := FindColor(x, y, Color, x1, y1, x2, y2);

if Result then

ClickMouse(x, y, Click);




EDIT: And about the stocks thing. My dad developed either the first, or some of the first software that had a line to the stock market (internet). The software sold for like $2000 a pop or like 10k? Idr. The guy who ran the thing made millions, and under paid my dad. Can't remember the story off the top of my head. I think the guy hired somebody else to replace him. O yeah and then he mouthed off about how bad the guy was and his operation. And he had to go to court over it lols.

Edited by LordJashin
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