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How would you make one for a game like Worms???

like this


You either have to read the game files/browser crap. Or make up your own things that mimic that games ways on SCAR. So for throwing grenades/objects you would have to keep guessing on how the trajectory or movement of it all, works.

I'm pretty sure though, since you are controlling where it goes with your mouse and keyboard, that you can find in the game files for the flash game or w/e. Find the variables for the trajectory and everything or read them somehow.

Then draw onto an invisible form (like how SCAR's crosshairs work) the actual trajectories (the lines that are on that guys screen in his/her video).


For worms, it would be hard too. More objects, each have different attributes.

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It isn't hard to program, just an afwul lot of work.


1. Find players (probably DTM finding).

2. Find out which are yours and which are enemy (you really don't want to shoot your own people).

3. Calculate trajectories to every worm (or just the nearest two, or just the one with lowest hp).

4. Select the best of those (based on preferences: highest likelihood of succes, lowest hp, highest hp, nearest/farthest, etc.).

5. Shoot it.


Step 2/3 are the hardest. Finding which is yours and which is enemy could be done by color (DTM again, if worm with yellow/green/blue name), if the name is above them in team color.

Calculation will be pretty much guessing, trying and hopefully something like a math model will come out of it. If it works 75% of the time, it's already brilliant.


Step 4 could be difficult if it has to be done with OCR. If you can evade that (you probably can, perhaps with DTM again), and you probably can, you should try that first.



Biggest problem would probably be speed. It could take a few seconds to find/calculate things like these.

Remember you'll probably have to make different calculations per weapon and it'll be difficult to select the best weapon for the opportunity (you'll need a pretty strict definition of best opportunity).


It can be done, but it's a lot of work.

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