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Colors & Tolerance Examples

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Made this way back when I was testing/learning about Colors and Tolerance. I've yet to expand this to arrays but w/e.


Learn from this code, just run it in SCAR and then read the debug box, go through the code, and the comments. I could sum it up here, but the code proves it, and could be a good resource to use later.



program ColorsAndTolerance;


C, w, h, bmp: Integer;

// x, y: Integer;


procedure SetupBitmapDebug;



bmp := BitmapFromString(45, 38, 'ceNrdWAdQVNcaXkACUYyDJ' + 'FiRtpQFXRaWJlVBQEBcisLuKkrQKIoaAy9oREFRWZQqRKoLAYUnI' +'MXCC+KzEDUjSrBgVCxBqYpolHpE4X//vSjjmOSxljxn3p0zd86ee' +'+5/vvvX718G430vKSmGk8MEKcbHvGRlpcVp5kCEmzZM/VgY5OVlD' + 'h6wQQxw33OgWxAYoP1RMJQfngm9QqieBaWm8PPMFx0+vDmT/5cYR' +'oyQLi6whh4BVFhCnBYkaEE2G5E8fTBfnzXmAx408lMZgY+ajZWy6' +'pRRMjJvOmByogn0CuDMDEjVg+1qIFKHDH04ZAZ1LtcuzRmtMOJDw' +'TAyHEsZvVcw0CvoeuRdU+Wcnmz6lT9TQ12B763a3yO4ecIuP1QnZ' +'sGkiLnKMfPH53+jUZdj3H/FCZ54J8UbfygY/PmqFIwaByi3gKMWc' +'M4Obs+Bx/NTk0wQjN8iXdFW34qyxLrafzbd2VtXG32szE+0zchPq' +'B6+YWrDLZ6O9mdZGeZVp52KC2zWf6vHYStKvVNIfxvEomAUGUMyC' +'9L04AD3eaVtVAhr5TK9G1digdwE8hhIB5BHQBqB3ABSA6QcyNa62' +'rkYMizdzzrbvSkJnXzoRpUKr1+eEx46TUVl1FvB2BXLhQ4fSNKBc' +'BVI0G4TGwhdJpys8KDPugrkNyBNQFrp+x165TyQU0DKgKQAWVx5b' + 'JbAR/VBoyc0u8N5ezg7g1Jmj+B5F7+kwMba8gsJlZMjno7ZAHbrQ' + 'rxWW6Ket+P4xtt8ICVAzgD5hT63jtYJ6qEWSDWQ00AqgJQCyQMSD' + '2Rh028e3vOmPKiZDadtIc8QdmlDjgFcd0YwqByX2RMlgVGcbw1N7' + 'lDI7cvnCh3HNd1xB7ILyBEg/6ZPrKLB1NAAqugVXD8MpABINq2QE' + 'LRIc72HgDe5r9IWcjkQqQ6RatTkmnPrPU+5T6QlgVF2cAa0emIq2' + 'LlK88RReyDLgOwFUkifdRTICSCVQH6i78dpSx2in+KedBpwJBBfR' + 'HLq2CzRSk0qv6FiMcPs46CSt4SxJfSNov3WGHptl5wDljApTyPrg' + 'GQAyQGS399TRB9aRo8jA70HOx/lDfTup58ihkQgO4FsoZHji8IVS' + '5n3S6dT3o6qqLDE8FdWlpcQRnw0FyXs2Ma5fMGFlhaK8nt+TxKn+' + 'RfmrdqTuqy9ZQ9Cwnt68tKy0qCMZL8HDdG0HhBDBJDvgCwfhFFb4' +'xq5RgsVC8et4O5cdH7JIwVrNzqSn6/GoCja1lG52QtJB7pfykBv2' + 'g8Z/kDEOZlL+nvS6JXEHDFuEwHZTGP4BsiSV+8K/YRqUO8GN1072' + 'uaNGycvOQw91his3UFf674StQpIWEEuBkvU7WvfXa4OKcz7sr8nP' + 'j/X72Hz1poqPFRUkOsDZBNtvrVAVgBZNAQjJFivvcETuvhhb8MH1' + 'NUVWu96nDvpkJFs9krUl0CCC3IxXjbqaCt9IisTGeHY37N1X9Y8p' + 'qaStLTUvVur8/fxgAQBWU17xeIhDDgy083PnnK8WOWMdVlCDGPGy' + 'Nb+4gINvH+JTYvzbV6Ttjw325F0rHF2Usdtq1YYAVmfkuSEGCaMH' + '9XeErA3ywFIABD/wRh5fRw8YLs1nM3UHC0hBpRZWmgDjTx0p4o4d' + 'kGeFQohT30w7h63enf/7itOtclMnxkYoN/ejMcF9j5ZvmGdYWKc5' + 'Q8Ztt2PfYcANN5xr6t1G4JRlG8dH22Ul20hIYzgtSyMUzhshsF1J' + 'U4/IYaKl0TXSfUMRoKmAnmKvrEAMyRt98WvxiJ6ZcHQodVnnIrlZ' + 'U5JSx3Jthxc+T7B+OIxO6zLpsZKwxd3zthneBCyKeQwcVq9yawVd' + 'NIQq44CBqNURuphk9cb2v7TkZts2stgDDAYmat1BlcCl2t1n7TFA' + 'l2QazWsOS6cnU2RGSzu4qmweQpWkyXO4/q6+GfK7TezFUtSzSTBg' + 'ANra4qvRoTZ5w230aWFz7sE/m4TqfR1wb6vk4886r8j4RqOvXnVj' + 'aKXFx2pSrRbN2+txsEiWxSFZfFKtYuEMHBcrnYpKXzp3kdKZuSsU' + 'IXvdSBzGn5m+MZpw9pl9GjZtN2maERo9oAy874fLQTuk190C553C' + 'zas0x/8umEHbsPNqASc47v8OROfpenDlikQy8QAvPWr2x9Z5Z+nU' + 'McJlFoQTAOvPGd6TJQhCnzWycc8jPN7t3h/BQAf4Qbc9qyDP7iCA' + 'VIWwaL0EMOEdH245IiLZiZKEoaMnJwMkrdHLfPQRphOfzw0c8jue' + '7MsRNs4O7ZzokXUiYmxXJzgT1zERy9JFz0qjtiFBjCh0gYJA1Vby' + '6djTcH1qG2ct+Jg/n6aos1spEBcjuLLzui1gUUHQxizCk7+qJnDx' + 'bZrVuq8aOAB8uSrs6HF40WX4KfjDgFfaSkpyb0VjJ8rHQfO2bUks' + 'J7Eakd5jQsN0cMyPaxv4J6N6/UjIwwoeD2C+/c8MU6RSI8f/+m78' + 'fNfL7pClR3Vg0RMgZ0am+YqI69DDtD2FwnkYbMXZjxb47FJwgnRy' + '9RiAzVjtrDD3ru9vXuTB7VOUMCFRG2IY9bH6GalmVWdcghequHPV' + 'w1eoxu7wyglyQTvwV/r+gvVgtboIntMWapCES3MPOiT3YLtEQbvC' + 'QPJJJVGuviYAKHNC0dMJKcdVYHMtsLyqZh9I1yjJkTtukjnSaEJV' + 'iLMTqFrdch+LmROhT1TMROiXbSYo98Txrp/6KGSsdxnppljscbSg' + 'L0Gdm0DWHewh8Jki20jfnUKCykNpgh06ePl9hRm9ElsLTv5+PPva' + '6WxI4NWDyo/4ydjAWqg9LBQoEZ32VJeHiqnTzgMhs/cv7PHHzlyx' + 'KXzzhQfuGAPT3062r3dXCe98ReQAVsxIowtYcJ854upqTAYL/V1P' + 'I6B4kf8x8nGShlz2hefyzH+X67/ACjydsU=');

w := 300;

h := 300;

bmp := ResizeBitmap(bmp, w, h);


FindWindowTitlePart('Debug Image', false);







//PickColor(C, x, y); Allows user to pick color using SCAR's color picker tool


// Get Color, Count Color

C := GetColor(100, 100); // Gets the color at coords

MoveWindMouse(100, 100, 2, 2);

WriteLn('C = Color at (100, 100) = ' + IntToStr©);

WriteLn('Counted color C: ' + IntToStr(CountColor(C, 0, 0, w - 1, h - 1)) + ' times'); // Counts the color


//Set Tolerance Algorithm/Find which algorithm we are using

WriteLn('Default Color Tolerance Speed: ' + IntToStr(GetColorToleranceSpeed));

ColorToleranceSpeed(1); // Changes the color tolerance speed


// GetTol between 2 colors using current algo, Are 2 colors in this range of tol, counting colors with tol

WriteLn('The tolerance between C and C + 28 = ' + IntToStr(GetTolerance(C, C + 28)));

WriteLn('The tolerance between C and C + 29 = ' + IntToStr(GetTolerance(C, C + 29)));

WriteLn('Set at Tol 28, C and C + 28 are they in the tol range = ' + BoolToStr(SimilarColors(C, C + 28, 28)));

WriteLn('Counting Color C at Tol 28: ' + IntToStr(CountColorTolerance(C, 0, 0, w - 1, h - 1, 28)));


//Get Closest color to 100 out of this array of colors and return it (Array is a TIntArray)

WriteLn('Closest Color to the 100 color out of this array using current tol algorithm = ' + IntToStr(GetClosestColor(100, [97, 98, 101])));







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