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Screenshot box

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There's no specific function to achieve this, however, I can add one if you'd like, as screenshots support png saving where as the regular bitmap system doesn't.


You can work around the issue using the regular bitmap system, but you can't save to png as i said?


w, h, bmp: Integer;



xs = 100;

ys = 100;

xe = 300;

ye = 200;



w := xe - xs + 1;

h := ye - ys + 1;

bmp := BitmapFromString(w, h, '');

CopyClientToBitmap(bmp, xs, ys, xe, ye);

SaveBitmap(bmp, ScreenPath + 'myscreenshot.bmp');



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Haay Freddy, do you think you could improve the SCAR's Screenshot function (or add a new one) to work with Area (x1, y1, x2, y2) like requested here. ..and also add possiblity save the screenshot's as .PNG's with the function? That would be great! Right now it's full client and .BMP only, right?

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Ah yes, it is bmp only indeed. I'll Add a SaveScreenshotEx for specifying a target box and I'll integrate the screenshot option into the function.


Tweak for SaveScreenshot noted for minor release 3.25.02

SaveScreenshotEx noted for major release 3.26.00

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