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SPS -> Instructions

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What is SPS?

SPS stands for SRL Position System. It is a walking method for RuneScape that is 100% color based. Originally developed by Marpis @ SRL Forums, currently being developed by Coh3n @ SRL Forums. SPS coordinates are similar to the way the reflection coordinates were setup. The coordinate (0,0) is the top left of the world map. and it increments as you continue to the right and down. As of now it is included in the GMRL include. I personally ported SPS to scar using the SPS source code and part of Simbas source code. It can only be used by versions of scar that are 3.33 or higher.


How do i use it?

First of all before you do any walking you need to setup the part of the world map you are going to be walking on. This can be done in a various of ways, Path creator program, or go through and find the pieces you need manually in the SPS img folder. Once you have you map parts, you would declare them in you script.


program SPS_Example;





Areas: TStringArray;


Areas := ['9_7','9_8','9_9];




Now you need to setup the SPS system. The Function SPS_Setup only needs to be called once within the script, or if you were to change areas. There are custom variables that can be set to change the way SPS works but most of the time leaving them at default is the best option. Heres how to setup the World map with default settings:



program SPS_Example;





Areas: TStringArray;


Areas := ['11_9','12_9','12_8','11_8'];

SPS_AnyAngle := True;





Heres a custom setup:

**Note this should only be done if the default settings are giving you issues.



program SPS_Example;





Areas: TStringArray;


Areas := ['11_9','12_9','12_8','11_8'];

SPS_Debug := False; // Default is false

SPS_Accuracy := 4; // Default is 4 the lower the number the more time it takes.

SPS_AnyAngle := True;





Supported surfaces:



RUNESCAPE_OTHER // this would be for a dungin or custom maps

RUNESCAPE_SURFACE // this would be normal walking on the map



Now that you have SPS setup its time to do some walking. You need to create a path of points. This is best done with a path creator. Heres a link to the Tool. Once you have created a path, now you need to include it in you script.


This example walks from lumy teleport to the chickens.


program SPS_Example;




Procedure WalkToChickens;


Path: TPointArray;


Path := [Point(4734, 3788), Point(4769, 3768), Point(4803, 3756), Point(4857, 3754), Point(4880, 3742), Point(4874, 3710), Point(4855, 3655), Point(4839, 3618), Point(4835, 3581), Point(4810, 3557), Point(4797, 3536), Point(4790, 3514), Point(4792, 3490), Point(4768, 3471)];





Areas: TStringArray;


Areas := ['11_9','12_9','12_8','11_8'];

SPS_AnyAngle := True;






There are also other features of the SPS system that do not apply to walking. SPS_GetMyPos returns the tile you character is standing on, which could be really useful to figure out where you character is. Remember though that before ANY SPS function can be called SPS has to be setup. There are a endless amount of uses for this tool, i hope you guys enjoy!


~ ShadowRecon


Heres a link the the official SPS thread at SRL Forums.

Edited by shadowrecon
Updated to comply with SPS 2
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Really nice to see a "real" walking method in scar :-)


And nice to see that you used your time to convert this to scar. Actually just what i needed :D


This is great, but let's not be mis-informative. There are more accurate, stable, and efficient walking methods "in SCAR".

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This is great, but let's not be mis-informative. There are more accurate, stable, and efficient walking methods "in SCAR".


This method is pretty stable, the problem is CPU usage. Ive ran a ton of test and i can get my char always within a couple of tiles of where i want him. Most of the problems with people is they dont include the surrounding areas. If your minimap is within 50 tiles of a area include it! lol. Filtering colors is prob the best method but it takes so much time to setup and get the colors ect, but with this i can make a path that works 90% of the time in under 10 mins, with very few lines of code. =p


---------- Post added at 09:56 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:55 AM ----------


Really nice to see a "real" walking method in scar :-)


And nice to see that you used your time to convert this to scar. Actually just what i needed :D


thanks =) Hope you find it as usful as i do =p Whats funny is the guys at SRL said it was impossible to port.. silly people =p

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Haven't had chance. Current project doesn't require walking. Perhaps for the next one.


Its really bad ass, and really easy to setup. It has a few bugs here and there but works 90% of the time flawless. My problem is some times it can be slower than id like. Walking from lumbridge to Varrock was slow, simply because i had a bunch of map peaces loaded and search all the map peaces takes time, but if your only going to be going a few mini maps away and back it is awesome, and its really accurate. If you get a chance give it ago.

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Couldn't get this to compile if also using OSI includes. Using this include but not OSI it compiles fine. You get it playing nice with OSI I'm gonna include this as a walking option.


Edit: I get an access violation whenever I try to use SPS_WalkPath using both SMART 6.9 and SMART 7.1 alpha3. This includes your example above. Guess this needs some more work?

Edited by Bixby Sayz
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Couldn't get this to compile if also using OSI includes. Using this include but not OSI it compiles fine. You get it playing nice with OSI I'm gonna include this as a walking option.


Edit: I get an access violation whenever I try to use SPS_WalkPath using both SMART 6.9 and SMART 7.1 alpha3. This includes your example above. Guess this needs some more work?


OSI is included within the GMRL_Plugin, so you dont need to include it. Define SPS, SMART then include the GMRL_Plugin, This will define RS2 and SPS and you be good to go. As far as walk path, did you have the location setup before trying to walk on it? Show me an example of Defines and a section of code where your trying to walk.

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Edit: I get an access violation whenever I try to use SPS_WalkPath using both SMART 6.9 and SMART 7.1 alpha3. This includes your example above. Guess this needs some more work?


Is it starting to walk then throwing the error or is it throwing the error before ever starting? Also have you tried it within the browser?

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I used the path generator to figure out what map segment I needed to load, then tried something simple (get position). That worked fine.


Next I tried using the path from the path generator, and got an exception right away.


Next I tried using your code example: straight copy and paste. Got the exception.


Edit: Just tried this with both SCAR 3.34 and SCAR 3.33 on a different machine. Same thing both times.

Edit2: What version of Java are you running? The runtime error occurs in jvm.dll. Versions 1.6_0_29 and 1.6_0_31 on the three machines I tested (2 xp and 1 windoze 7).

Edited by Bixby Sayz
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I used the path generator to figure out what map segment I needed to load, then tried something simple (get position). That worked fine.


Next I tried using the path from the path generator, and got an exception right away.


Next I tried using your code example: straight copy and paste. Got the exception.


Edit: Just tried this with both SCAR 3.34 and SCAR 3.33 on a different machine. Same thing both times.

Edit2: What version of Java are you running? The runtime error occurs in jvm.dll. Versions 1.6_0_29 and 1.6_0_31 on the three machines I tested (2 xp and 1 windoze 7).


Hmm, I have the newest version what ever that may be? I dont know why it would throw an exception in Java, SPS doesn't use anything related to java.. =/ Have you tried it within the browser?


Try this, Uses a blank script and include the proper includes and just call




SPS_Debug := True;

SPS_Setup(.... Your Parameters);



Then tell me what the debug box says.

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Hmm, I have the newest version what ever that may be? I dont know why it would throw an exception in Java, SPS doesn't use anything related to java.. =/ Have you tried it within the browser?


Try this, Uses a blank script and include the proper includes and just call




SPS_Debug := True;

SPS_Setup(.... Your Parameters);



Then tell me what the debug box says.

Lol, sometimes the simpliest things trip you up:

Guess it helps if you include that. I did a straight copy and paste of your example code without bothering to check if it was complete.

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Lol, sometimes the simpliest things trip you up:

Guess it helps if you include that. I did a straight copy and paste of your example code without bothering to check if it was complete.


Lol i guess i need to fix the example 0_o There is a copy of that example under the SPS folder in the include. If you have trouble with it walking correctly make sure u have all surrounding map pieces that you mini map may touch or hit or design you path so it stays within the center of map pieces to avoid having a large amount of map pieces. I have tested this with 10 map pieces and it worked fine but was a bit slower than i would have excepted. =/ less maps faster the speed, but if you skimp on a map piece that should be included it throws it all out of wack.

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Похудение это тема, которая всегда актуальна для многих дам. Многие среди нас стремятся к идеальной форме, но довольно частенько сталкиваются с трудностями и препятствиями для этой цели. Однако, с правильным подходом, похудение может быть достижимо без нервного напряжения и изнурительных диет. В данной статье мы рассмотрим 10 действенных стратегий похудения, которые помогут дамам добиться желанных результатов и сохранить здоровье.

1. Установите цель

Первым шагом к успешному похудению является установление определенной цели. Определите, сколько килограммов вы хотите сбросить и по какой-никакой причине. Цель обязана быть реалистичной, измеримой и достижимой.

2. Питание

Правильное питание играет ключевую роль в ходе похудения. Сосредотачивайтесь на употреблении натуральных товаров, богатых витаминами и минералами. Избегайте прытких углеводов и жирной пищи. Устремляетесь к балансу макро- и микроэлементов в рационе.

3. Физическая активность

Регулярные физические упражнения включая помогут спаливать калории, а также укрепят мускулы, улучшат общее самочувствие и увеличат выносливость. Найдите вид активности, который вам нравится: от йоги до плавания, от бега до танцев.

4. Гидрация

Пить достаточное количество воды в течение дня не только поможет вам поддерживать уровень жидкости в организме, а также ускорит метаболизм, понизит аппетит и поможет сбросить лишний вес.

5. Сон

Качественный сон играет важную роль в процессе похудения. Пытайтесь спать не менее несколько часов в день, чтобы ваш организм мог восстановиться, а метаболизм был в норме.

6. Управление стрессом

Стресс может стать препятствием на пути к похудению как похудеть а Найдите методы расслабления и отдыха: медитация, йога, чтение книжек, прогулки на природе.

7. Ежедневный контроль

Ведение дневника пищевых повадок и физической активности поможет вам осознать, что вы едите и какой-никакое количество калорий потребляете, но также оценить свои успехи.

8. Постепенные изменения

Избегайте радикальных диет и стрессовых ситуаций. Внедряйте изменения в кормленьи и образе жизни чуть-чуть, чтоб они стали размеренными привычками.
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Sports Betting: A Comprehensive Guide

Sports betting has become a global phenomenon, captivating millions of enthusiasts with its blend of excitement, strategy, and the potential for financial gain. This article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of sports betting, exploring its history, popular types, strategies, and the legal landscape.

A Brief History

Sports betting dates back to ancient civilizations, where wagers were placed on events such as chariot races and gladiatorial contests. Over the centuries, the practice evolved, encompassing a wide range of sports and becoming a formalized industry in the modern era. Today, sports betting is a multi-billion-dollar industry with a substantial presence both online and offline.

Types of Sports Bets

There are several types of bets that one can place on sports events, including:

1. Moneyline Bets: The simplest form of betting where you pick the winner of a game or match.
2. Point Spread Bets: This bet involves predicting the margin of victory.
3. Over/Under Bets: Also known as totals, these bets are placed on the total number of points scored by both teams combined.
4. Prop Bets: These are bets on specific outcomes within a game, such as the first team to score.
5. Futures Bets: Bets placed on events that will happen in the future, like who will win the championship at the end of the season.

Strategies for Successful Betting

Successful sports betting requires more than just luck. Here are some strategies to consider:

1. Research and Analysis: Study the teams, players, and historical performance data http://downzone.pl/profile.php?lookup=4971
2. Bankroll Management: Set a budget and stick to it, avoiding the temptation to chase losses.
3. Understanding Odds: Learn how to read and understand betting odds to make informed decisions.
4. Shop for the Best Lines: Different sportsbooks offer different odds and payouts, so shop around for the best deals.

The Legal Landscape

The legality of sports betting varies around the world. In some countries, it is fully legalized and regulated, while in others, it is either restricted or outright banned. The advent of online sportsbooks has also added a layer of complexity, as bettors can now place wagers from pretty much anywhere, often bypassing local regulations.


Sports betting continues to grow in popularity, attracting a diverse audience from casual fans to hardcore enthusiasts. With the right approach, including diligent research and disciplined bankroll management, it can be both an exciting and rewarding venture. However, it's essential to understand the risks involved and to always gamble responsibly.
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Как найти аудиопоздравления на телефон: полезные советы

Праздничные дни и особые события в жизни отличная возможность удивить собственных недалёких оригинальным пожеланьем. Ежели вы желайте отправить аудиопоздравление на телефон, но не знаете, с чего же стоит начать, эта статья поможет вам отыскать подходящие решения.

1. Поиск готовых аудиопоздравлений

Существует огромное количество ресурсов, где можно отыскать готовые аудиопоздравления:
- Интернет-веб-сайты специальные сайты и онлайн-дневники предлагают коллекции аудиопоздравлений на разные удачный поводы: дни рождения, anniversaries, Новый год и другие праздники. Воспользуйтесь запросами в поисковике, в том числе аудиопоздравления скачать либо аудиопоздравления на телефон.
- Прибавления многие мобильные приложения для сотворения поздравлений предлагают встроенные аудиофайлы. Попробуйте установить приложения, такие как "Пожеланья" или "Картинки и пожелания".

2. Запись собственного аудиопоздравления

Ежели вы желайте добавить личный штришок, запишите поздравление сами:
- Смартфон используйте прибавленье для записи звука (встроенное в телефон или сторонние приложения). Просто нажмите на запись, произнесите поздравление и сохраните файл.
- Редактирование при помощи приложений для редактирования звука (к примеру, Audacity либо GarageBand) вы можете добавить музыку, эффекты или улучшить качество записи.

3. Отправка аудиопоздравления

После того как вы нашли или записали аудиопоздравление, вам нужно выслать его:
- ММС вы можете выслать аудиофайл через MMS. Просто изберите файл и отправьте его, как обычное сообщение.
- Мессенджеры воспользуйтесь популярными приложениями, в том числе WhatsApp, Viber или Telegram, чтоб выслать аудиозапись. Всегда есть возможность прибавленья текста и эмодзи, чтобы сделать пожеланье более выразительным.
- Email если нужно отправить длинный https://audiosms.ru/ файл, используйте электронную почту. Прикрепите аудиофайл к известию и отправьте его адресату.

4. Внедрение социальных сетей

Если вы хотите сделать пожелание более публичным, опубликуйте его в нужных страницах в социальных сетях:
- Instagram Stories либо Facebook загрузите аудиофайл либо добавьте его в видео, которое можно оформить с помощью прекрасных фонов и фильтров.
- VK вы можете сделать пост с аудиозаписью и поделиться им с приятелями либо в обществах.


Аудиопоздравления это хороший способ удивить и повеселить недалёких. Выбор готовых аудиофайлов, создание собственного пожелания либо внедрение мессенджеров и соц сетей это все окажет вам помощь найти образцовый метод поздравить собственных приятелей и родных. Не страшитесь проявлять креативность, и ваш подарок станет незабываемым!
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