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Scar -> Plugin

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Well this has been a long process but i have made my plugin =p Im still working on adding more stuff but right now it contains a bunch of bitmap functions. Which is from all of my attempts at making a walking system.


Source: http://subversion.assembla.com/svn/gmrl/GRML_Plugin




GMRL Plugin



Function GMRL_GetBitmapRGB(Const BMP:Integer): T2DRGBArray;

Def: Gets all of the RGB values of a bitmap


Function GMRL_CalculatePixelShift(Const BMP1,BMP2: Integer): Integer;

Def: Calculates pixel shift from 2 bitmaps


Function GMRL_CalculatePixelShiftTol(Const BMP1, BMP2, Tol: Integer): Integer;

Def: Calculates pixel shift with tolerance


Function GMRL_CalculatePixelShiftTPA(Const BMP1,BMP2: Integer; Points: TPointArray): Integer;

Def: Calculates pixel shift only checking the points within TPA


Function GMRL_CalculatePixelShiftSkipTol(Const BMP1, BMP2, Tol: Integer; Skip: TPointArray): Integer;

Def: Calculates pixel shift with tolerance while skipping points in the SKIP TPA


Function GMRL_CalculatePixelShiftSkip(Const BMP1, BMP2: Integer; Skip: TPointArray;): Integer;

Def: Calculates pixel shift while skipping points in the SKIP TPA


Procedure GMRL_SetBitmapBrightness(Const BMP, Bright: Integer);

Def: Changes the bitmaps brightness


Procedure GMRL_SetBitmapContrast(Const BMP: Integer; Contrast: Extended);

Def: Changes bitmaps Contrast


Function GMRL_CreateBitmapOpacity(Const BMP, BGColor: Integer; percent: Extended): Integer;

Def: returns bitmap over-top the background color with a percent of the color showing through.


Function GMRL_OverlayBitmaps(Const Foreground, Background: Integer; Precent: Extended): Integer;

Def: returns bitmap, with the foreground on top of background with a percent of the background showing though

percent is in whole like 1 - 100 but can be anything you want but 1 -100 returns a true overlay of the bitmaps




Edited by shadowrecon
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